How Does The Circuit Board Select Components?

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The quality of the circuit board components determines the quality of the circuit board, so we need to choose excellent circuit board components, so how do we choose the components with excellent quality?

First, virtual component packaging

Virtual components have no associated packaging and are not transferred to the layout stage. Print a bill of materials to check the virtual components. Except for simulation purposes, the components shown in the virtual part should be replaced with components with a package. Create a bill of materials and view all the virtual components in your design. The only entries should be power and ground signals, as they are considered virtual components and are only processed specifically in the schematic environment and are not transferred to the layout design.

Second, redundant gate circuits

Make sure that you have checked for any excess or missing gates and that all unwired inputs are fully connected. In some cases, the entire system will not work properly if the input is floating. Take the dual op amps often used in design. In general, all redundant gate inputs should have signal connections to avoid floating the input. If only one of the two op amp ICs is used, it is recommended that either the other op amp is also used, or the input of the unused op amp is grounded and a suitable unity-gain feedback network is deployed, so Ensure that the entire component works properly.

Third, component selection

When selecting components, consider any mounting or packaging restrictions that may exist on the top and bottom layers of the final board. Some components may have high headroom restrictions that need to be considered during component selection. When you first start designing, you can draw a basic circuit board frame shape, and then place some large or location-critical components you plan to use. In this way, a virtual perspective view of the circuit board can be seen intuitively and quickly, and the relative positioning and component height of the circuit board and components can be given relatively accurately. It will help to ensure that the components fit into the outer packaging after the circuit board is assembled. Invoke the 3D preview mode from the tools menu to browse the entire board.



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